According to a survey by the Dutch Press Agency (ANP), Ahmed Aboutaleb, Mayor of Rotterdam, of Moroccan origin, is the most popular politician in the Netherlands.

The survey conducted on nearly 11,000 people and whose results were published Wednesday, March 18, awarded first place to Ahmed Boutaleb, with a score of 7.49 out of 10. The last place in the survey went to  the leader of the extreme right, Geert Wilders, known for being hostile to Islam, immigration and Europe. It was less than three points out of ten.

This is the third time the mayor of Rotterdam is honored in the space of a few months.

Indeed, Ahmed Aboutaleb was elected in January as best local leader in the Netherlands by the professional magazine “Binnenlands Bestuur.” In December 2014, Aboutaleb was appointed as”Dutch of the Year” by the magazine ‘Elsevier’.

Ahmed Boutaleb is the first Moroccan and Muslim to be appointed mayor of a major European city.

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