The “literary hour”, of Friday February 14, 2020, was dedicated to two books written by two Moroccan-italian writers. Mrs Chaimaa Fatihi, author of the book “You will never reach us: open letter from an Italian Muslim woman to the terrorists” (published in Italian) and Mr Mohamed Doublali, for his book “Journey into the Gardens of Hell” (published in Arabic). The exchanges were moderated by MrnHamid Bichri, CCME member living in Italy.
Mr Hamid Bichri
After the “Bataclan”( Paris) terrorist attacks in 2015 in France, Chaimaa Fatihi wrote an open letter against the terrorists, published on the front page of the Italian left wing newspaper in Italy, La Repubblica. After the paper condemning terrorism, she received an offer to write a book on what it means to be a young man or woman of Moroccan and Muslim who has lived all his life in Italy.
Chaimaa Fatihi
“We had to explain that we as Muslims are fundamentally against terrorism”, says the the young writer who writes in that “terrorism is the product of ignorance
Mr Mohamed Doublali
Mr Mohamed Doublali’s book “Journey to the Gardens of Hell” relates the story of a woman who, forced to enhance the well-being of her family, emigrates to Italy. She succeeds and reunitis her family through family reunification. Although, her dream turns into a nightmare when she faces the challenges of educating her children in a foreign society.