The Council of the Moroccan community living abroad ( CCME) organised on Tuesday 11 february 2020, a meeting on the book : « From Tetouan to Buenos Aires: the saga of the jewish-moroccans to Latin America” written by the diplomat and researcher Zakaria Balga in Spanish and published by the CCME (2020) . The writer answered to the questions of Mr Jaouad Achakouri, from the CCME.

Zakaria Balga

Mr Balga brought to light the migratory movement of the Moroccan Jews in the history of Moroccan migration, as well as the conditions of arrival and settlement of these immigrants in Latin America. He highlighted their commitment to the Moroccan identity and wish to preserve relations with their country of origin. A bond reflected in the preservation of religious rituals, customs and traditions. As well as pilgrimage visits to cemeteries of Jewish saints, which magnifies the particularity of Morocco as a unique model of coexistence, cohabitation and dialogue, under the protection of kings and sultans of Morocco.

“The goal of this book is to perpetuate the history of this immigration, the Moroccan collective memory and our identity,” said Zakaria Balga.


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