Seven institutions and bodies for the protection of rights and freedoms, good governance, human and sustainable development and participatory democracy issue a statement announcing the launch of the SIEL.

 In connection with the organization of the 29th edition of the International Book and Publishing Fair (SIEL), which will be held in Rabat from 9 to 19 May 2024, seven institutions involved in the protection of rights and freedoms, governance, human and sustainable development and participative democracy agreed to participate together in a common stand, while conducting their activities independently.

The Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESE), the Office of the Mediator of the Kingdom (IMR), the Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME), the High Authority for Audiovisual Communication (HACA), the Competition Council (CC), the National Authority for Probity, Prevention and the Fight against Corruption (INPPLC), and the National Commission for the Supervision of Personal Data Protection (CNDP) will be taking part in this pavilion.

Through this shared pavilion space, the seven bodies mentioned above are seeking to raise their profile, promote a culture of citizenship and encourage dialogue with the public

The purpose of this new initiative, which is designed to ensure greater coherence and consistency between the different institutions’ and bodies’ spheres of competence, is to provide visitors to the exhibition with the opportunity to find out more about their missions and roles, and to become familiar with the way they operate and the results of their activities.

Fair visitors will also be able to find out about the various publications produced by these institutions and bodies, and to engage in dialogue with their representatives at the conferences and other events on their achievements in the fields of effective rights, regulation, good governance, sustainable development and participatory democracy.


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