“Moroccan immigration in Belgium, memories and destinies” was published this Tuesday, February 24, 2015 published by “Couleurs vives” editions, at the initiative of the Free University of Brussels, and was jointly directed by Ahmed Medhoune, Sylvie Lausberg, Marco Martiniello and Andrea Rea.

“Analyses of historians, art critics and literature, sociologists, linguists, geographers and lawyers have been brought together in this book to give a broader view, but mostly fair and sometimes surprising to our common history. Belgium today, the multiplicity of its culture and its expressions, can through the contributions of the authors assembled by the ULB, learn about its history, learn about the other, and above all recognize it, “says the publisher.

This book celebrates fifty years of Moroccan immigration in Belgium and shows that beyond this labor immigration, the two countries have had “half a century of exchanged glances, of learning from each other and from their cultural melting pot.”

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