The Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME) presented its “Atlas of Moroccan emigration”, on the occasion of the 21th edition of the International Publishing and Book Fair (SIEL) in Casablanca.

This long-term work of mapping of Moroccan emigration has been entrusted to a team of researchers and geographers of the Agadir University under the direction of Professor Brahim Kidou.

It includes eighteen maps made of the latest statistics on Moroccan emigration for educational and didactic purposes although it will be just as useful in the work of journalists, researchers and students interested in the theme of the Moroccan migration

This atlas highlights the distribution of the Moroccans expatriates in the major regions of the world, their numbers in the host countries, their demographic structure and their distribution by region of origin in Morocco.

This innovative project is the prelude to a more comprehensive collection, which will focus on mapping the Moroccans of the world taking into account the changes and mutations of the Moroccan community abroad.

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