The Kingdom of Morocco and the Republic of Chad signed on Tuesday 9th February 2016, in Rabat, an Islamic cooperation agreement and a memorandum on the training of 200 Chadian imams in Morocco.
“After approval by the King, Morocco will contribute, within the framework of this cooperation, the training of 200 Chadian imams according to a special program of the Mohammed VI”, the Institute which goal is the training of imams , morchidines and morchidates, said Mr Ahmed Taoufiq, minister of Islamic Affairs to the Moroccon press agency (MAP).
Mr Toufiq added that « this agreement is a beginning of a cooperation between the Kingdom in several African countries and the republic of Chad in religious affairs and other issues ».
For his part, Mr Hussein Hassan Abakar, Chairman of the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs of the republic of Chad, praised the Moroccan experience in the management of religious matters and the essential role of the Mohammed VI Institute for the African Ulema, which “contributes to counteract the risks arising from the misinterpretation of Islam.”
The Institute Mohammed VI was inaugurated by His Majesty the King on March 27th 2015 in Rabat. The main goal of the Institute is a scientific religious training to Moroccan and foreign imams coming from the arab world, african and european countries.