The President of the Council for the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME), Driss El Yazami, took part on 27 January 2025 in a national conference organised by the National Commission for Data Protection in support of Constitutional Values (CNDP).

In his address, Mr. El Yazami said that in the countries of the European Union, where nearly 80% of the world’s Moroccans are based, personal data protection is a Fundamental Right under EU law, in particular the European Charter of Fundamental Rights.

The President of the CCME also referred to international mechanisms for the protection of personal data, emphasising that Moroccans living abroad benefit from protection at national, regional (European Union) and international level.

The meeting is part of the week of personal data protection and privacy, which continues until 31 January. It has been organised to commemorate ‘Data Privacy Day’, celebrated on 28 January each year, and to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the implementation of law no. 09-08 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data.

This event, which will be ongoing until 31 January, commemorates Data Privacy Day, celebrated on 28 January each year, and celebrates the 15th anniversary of the introduction of Law 09-08 governing individual data protection.

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