The Minister in charge of Moroccans living abroad and migration affairs, Anis Birou stressed “the need to promote the right conditions to ensure the contribution of the Moroccan skills to various development projects launched in Morocco “.

Speaking at the opening of a meeting with various Moroccan figures of the world, on Monday December 15 in Rabat, under the theme “what contribution of the Moroccan expertise living abroad in the development of Morocco? ” Mr. Birou said that Morocco has launched major projects and undertook major reforms in all sectors, and requires greater mobilization and involvement of the Moroccans residing abroad

Moreover, He said he felt in the Moroccan community, at several meetings, the desire to put their expertise and know-how to the service of the development dynamics in the Kingdom, noting that more than 16 pc of Moroccans abroad are studying or working in the best universities and foreign institutions.

For his part, the Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Executive Training, Lahcen Daoudi, lamented the lack of contribution of skilled expatriates in the development process of Morocco, despite the efforts made at all levels to mobilize these skills, emphasizing the need to revise the methodology and initiatives in this area, to review the procedures adopted in the Moroccan administration and to accelerate the pace of reforms that can be “difficult and bitter.”

He has, in this sense, expressed the readiness of the Ministry to fund scientific research as well as any project supported by the MRE skills, aiming to contribute to the development of Morocco.

The President of the German-Moroccan Skills Network (DMK), Karim Zidane, for his part, stressed the need to adopt a national plan of action, involving the various stakeholders and actors in favor of the Moroccan skills to combine their efforts and individual initiatives in order to enhance their contribution to the various development programs.

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