The Ecumenical Institute of Theology Al Mowafaqa was inaugurated on September 20th, 2014 in Rabat. This institution, created at the initiative of the Catholic and Protestant churches in Morocco, wants to be a place of education, reflection and promotion of intercultural and interreligious dialogue.

At the opening ceremony, the Minister of Endowments and Religious Affairs Ahmed Toufiq, expressed his “deep appreciation” for the mission of the institute, whose name “reflects the harmony or agreement that existed initially»

He emphasized the role that belongs to “theologians and men of God,” which consists, among other things, to “help people see clearly what is happening at any given time”, “clear up confusion” and “line up against any sort of terror, extremism, trickery and manipulation”

For his part, Archbishop of Rabat and co-president of the institute, Vincent Landel, reviewed the steps that preceded the creation of this institution that wants to “continue in this process of reflection and meetings to enhance the mutual understanding. »

The same goes for Pastor Samuel Amedro, president of the Evangelical Church in Morocco and founding co-chair of this establishment, which said he was honored to have the opportunity to open in Morocco a unique place in the world.

“We offer this place in Morocco because of its international reach,” noting that this space “is unique in the world and aims to be a place that promotes openness and tolerance.”

In this regard, the Minister of Culture of the Vatican, Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, welcomed in a message “the foresight and wisdom” of His Majesty King Mohammed VI in the service of peace and mutual understanding.

Various stakeholders including theologians and clergymen in Africa and Europe, for their part, felt that the opening of such an institute in Morocco reflects the spirit of openness that is the hallmark of the kingdom.

For her part, the Director of the Directorate of Cooperation and Cultural Action Department of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Lamia Radi, noted that the choice of Morocco to host an ecumenical institute of Christian churches “reflects the quality of our relationships and the mutual trust that is the cornerstone of our fraternal links”.

“In these troubled times we live in, where people are taken hostage and murdered in the name of a violent extremist ideology , the creation of this institute is a strong political act showcasing our ability to live together and respect each other in peace, “she said, addressing an audience of diplomats, theologians and Moroccan and foreign personalities.

The General Director of UNESCO Irina Bokova, has sent a message of support to this institute or its “particularly noble mission.”

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