The return of Morocco to the African Union (AU) and the moroccan sahara issue were, on Saturday 29 July 2017 in Rabat, were the main issue of a meeting initiated by the ministry for Moroccans living abroad and Migration on the occasion of the 18th anniversary of the Throne Day.

The deputy minister in charge of Moroccans living Abroad and Migration Affairs, Mr Abdelkrim Benatiq, stressed during the meeting, that Morocco’s return to the AU is part of a policy Focusing on South-South cooperation, which gives to Africa “the role of creator of a societal project for all parties”.

Concerning the moroccan sahara, Mr Benatiq said that the Moroccans living around the world are committed to defend their country and represent it, by beeing political and economic players in the development of the Kingdom.

For his part, the Secretary General of the Council of the Moroccan Community Living Abroad (CCME), Mr Abdellah Boussouf, said that the Moroccan migrants have expressed their willingness to get commited in several development projects in Morocco.

Referring to the return of Morocco to the AU, the secretary general of the CCME, said that this event is an opportunity to remind that His Majesty King Mohammed VI has made a choice for an African policy based on a win-win approach in order to contribute to the development of Africa,

Moroccan citizens from 60 host countries took part to the meeting.

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