The council of the moroccan community living abroad Community (CCME) and the University of Governance and Economic and Social Sciences of the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (FGSES-UM6P) organize from 04 May to 12 May 2017several workshops on contemporary matters of Moroccan migrations in Europe.

The CCME will introduce its exhibition : “History of Moroccans in the Netherlands: presence and memory”, the screening of several documentary films on Moroccan migrants and organize a workshop on moroccan migration in Italy “with the first winners of the CMSM binational master (Rabat / Turin) backed by the CCME. A scientific intervention on the “Moroccan research publications on migration: a state of the art” is also scheduled .

The conference will end with an intervention of Mr Abdellah Boussouf , the Secretary General of the CCME, on “Islam in Europe”.

The two institutions cooperate together through an agreement on cultural, scientific and migration cooperation. Their goal is to encourage the access to higher education for young Moroccans throughout the world, as well as promoting academic research on issues related to migration and Moroccans living abroad.


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