The Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME) welcomed today Tuesday, June 9, 2015, at the Council headquarters in Rabat, students of the Institute of journalism and media in Casablanca.

On this occasion, Mr. Ahmed Siraj, head of mission in the CCME, presented a number of issues of Moroccan immigration, and highlighted its large transformations and specificities, the relationship of the Moroccan expats with the motherland, the great prospects in the cultural field, in addition to development of public institutions responsible for the management of immigration from the eighties to the creation of the Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME) in 2007.

Mr. Siraj has also presented the Council as an advisory and prospective institution, whose mission is to evaluate public policies and consider issues related to the Moroccans of the world, in addition to presenting its structure and methods at work.

During the open debate, the students present raised a number of issues related to Moroccan migration and areas of interest of the CCME.

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