The Council of the Moroccan Community living Abroad (CCME) hosted Thursday, July 19, 2018, in Rabat, a meeting with a delegation of political and religious leaders of the French city of Saint-Etienne. The group was headed by the Mayor of the city, Mr. Gael Perdriau who carries out a project of a Muslim Cultural center in Saint-Etienne.

In his opening speech, Mr. Abdellah Boussouf, Secretary General of the CCME, explained the tasks of the council, its prerogatives and public policy opinions on immigration. 

« How to manage islam in France ?», was the main subject of the meeting since the municipality de Saint-Etienne carries a project to build a Muslim cultural center. Mr. Boussouf said that the problems France is facing are more cultural than religious. In reference to the establishment of a cultural center in Saint-Etienne, he said « that it can be a space of sharing between the different components of the French society and help desacralize cultural practices related to Islam “.

The secretary general also pointed out that the problems facing Islam in France that the Muslim religion is compatible with the values ​​of the Republic, « especially secularism ».

The Mayor of Saint-Etienne, Mr. Gael Perdriau, said for his part, that the  Mohammed VI Mosque of Saint Etienne is the the evidence of a better understanding Islam and Muslim rites “.

“Carrying out the project of building a Muslim cultural center is the demonstation that Islam is not only a question relied to Muslims but the entire society that needs it to better identify religion in the urban landscape and makes a difference between culture and islam said Mr. Perdriau. “We have a shared responsibility of these young people who are struggling to identify with and get integrated in the French society,” continued Mr.Gael Perdriau.

The French delegation will go on to meet meet several officials of the Kingdom until July 23, 2018.


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