Right of access to information

The right of access to information is guaranteed by law.
Law 31.13 on the right of access to information entered into force on 12 March 2019 in Morocco.

• Act 31.13 on the right of access to information. Download
• Guide on Law 31.13, prepared by the Department of Administrative Reform – Ministry of Economy, Finance and Administrative Reform. Download

In accordance with this law, the CCME has designated those responsible for receiving and processing access requests to information and has set up an internal cell to accompany them.

• Decision to appoint CCME officials to process and receive access to information requests. Download

Protection of personal data

The CCME collects your personal data for:

The processing of contact information on the website www.ccme.org.ma to collect communications from Internet users (questions, complaints and claims) and compile statistics on this data. This treatment was reported to the CNDP under number N° D-443/2022

The processing of cookie management on the www.ccme.org.ma website to improve the user experience and compile statistics on the www.ccme.org.ma website. This treatment was reported to the CNDP under number N° D-W-442/2022

As part of the processing relating to contacting the www.ccme.org.ma website and managing cookies on the www.ccme.org.ma website, the CCME transfers your personal data to OVH Groupe SAS located in Roubaix/France for hosting and storage. This transfer was the subject of a request for data transfer abroad under N°T-HB-160/2022

How do you submit your access to information request?

Before submitting an application
Before submitting an access to information request, you can search the CCME website to see if the information already exists.

Submit an application by email, mail or fax
Please complete the form and send it by email, mail or fax.
Courriel : acces.information@ccme.org.ma
Poste : Mahaj Ryad 10 – Imm.M – BP 21 481. Hay Riad – 10000 Rabat – Morocco
Fax: 00 (212) 5 37 56 66 22

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