The Council of the Moroccan Community living Abroad (CCME) participated in the Annual Meeting of the United Nations Academic Council (ACUNS) on “Migration, Human Rights and Global Governance”, from 12 to 14 July 2018, organized in partnership with LUISS Guido Carli University, in the city of Rome. 

More than 200 participants from 50 countries, including heads of international organizations, academics, economic experts and representatives of civil society took part to the event. 

The delegate of the CCME outlined the unique Moroccan policy on the governance of migration and the Moroccan legal framework governing the political, economic, social and cultural rights of Moroccans living abroad. He also  mentioned the adoption of the draft Global Compact of Safe and Regular Migration which are set out in  the agenda.

The main conclusions of the Rome meeting have pointed out the positive effects of migration for the states of origin, the host states and the migrants.

ACUNS is a United Nations-based institution established in 1987 at the Dartmouth College in the United States of America. The ambition of ACUNS is in particular to encourage the research in the spheres of international organizations and the United Nations system. 


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