The CCME hosted a round-table on “Migration policies and African diasporas: experiences and prospects”, Friday 3 June 2022.
The conference was attended by Sory KABA (Senegal), Ambassador, former Director General of Support for Senegalese Abroad (DGASE), Mamadou DEME (Senegal/France), Expert and researcher on international migration and Senior Advisor to Senegalese local authorities, Mr Romain Dacosta (Benin/France), President of the High Council of the Beninese Abroad (HCBE) and territorial manager in France, and Ms Touria CHAUGDANI (Morocco), international coordinator and migration and human rights expert. The meeting was moderated by Mr Karim Basrire (France), member of the executive board of MeM by CGEM and of the Steering Committee of the African Diaspora Forum in France.
The meeting aimed to bring to light the policies of different countries in order to make the best benefits of migration for development.