The Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME) organized, Thursday, February 15, 2018 the presentation of a study on the social protection of Moroccans from Spain, published in 2016 by the CCME.
A situation which, according to Mr. Haidour, was the reason whid led several migrants to return to Morocco. A return that had a negative impact on the Moroccan community in Spain and on the migratory project in general. The questionof integration appared again in the debates and the teaching of children who had started school in Spain and had to continue it in Morocco was difficult.
Mr. Haidour, who is also a trade unionist, spoke about the impact of the crisis on the fish trade, especially between Morocco and Spain. Women are also at the heart of the protests of the economic crisis as they have become responsible for their families by working as a housekeepers.