The Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME) organized, this Wednesday, February 14, 2018 at the Casablanca Book Fair, a round table around the book “Management of the difference in history of Morocco “, produced by the Moroccan Association for Historical Research (AMRH) as part of a partnership with the CCME.

Mr Otmane Mansouri, Professor of Modern and Contemporary History at the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences of Ain Chock in Casablanca and President of AMRH and Mr Nouhi El Ouafi, Researcher in History of Medieval Morocco at the Center of Historical Studies and the Royal Institute of Amazigh Culture (IRCAM) in Rabat facilitated this conference moderated by Mr. Ahmed Siraj, Project Manager at the CCME.

Mr Otmane Mansouri began by thanking the CCME, which “has always been at the disposal of any proposal for partnership for research and scientific knowledge” before presenting the book.

“We have determined that Morocco has always managed the difference, which is as old as humanity, in a spirit of coexistence,” he said.

Mr. Mansouri for his part focused on the participation of Professor Abdelouahed Akmir who dealt with the management of cultural pluralism by the second and third generations of Moroccans around the world.

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