10.00-12.30 CCME Matinees

10.00 – 11.30: Palavers under the argan tree: A migrant, a book, a journey

11.30 – 12.30: Round table: “Listening to the African diaspora: immigration, creativity and engagement.

Speakers: Ms Aminata Pagni (Ivory Coast/Morocco), Mr.El Hadj Gassama (Senegal-France), Mr. Frederic Ebami (Cameroon-France)

Moderator: Mr Khalid Lyamlahy (USA)

15.00-16.00 An author and his books

Writer: Mr Adil Jazouli (France) Introduction: Amine Saad (Morocco)

16.15-17.15 CCME Publications

“The legal status of Moroccans living abroad

Speakers: Mr. Mohammed Benyahya (Morocco), Ms. Fatima Zahra Moufarreh (Tunisia), Ms Fatima Zohra Bouhya Ainin (Spain)

17.15-19.15 Round table

“Moroccan lawyers of the world and advocacy for the great causes of Morocco

Speakers: Ms. Aziza Maghni (Spain), Mr. Ahmed Arriouach (Germany), Mr. Youness Bakkali (England), Mr. Omar Fraj (France)

Moderator: Mr. Hilal Tarkou Lahlimi (Spain)

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