10.00-12.30 CCME Matinees

10.00 – 11.30 : Palavers under the argan tree: A migrant, a book, a journey

11.30 – 12.30 : The sub-Saharan diaspora – state of play and socio-economic issues

Speaker: Mr. Mar Fall (Senegal/France) Moderator: Mr. Younes Foudil (Morocco)

15.00-16.00 CCME Publications

Introduction of the book: “Morocco and Belgium: history and common memory” by Mr. Samir Bouzouita (in Arabic)

Introduction of the book : ” Figures marocaines de Belgique… parcours ” (collective work)

Moderator: Abderrahman Tenkoul (Morocco)

16.15-17.15 An author and his books

Writer: Mr. Mustapha Kebir Ammi Presentation: Mr. Khalid Lyamlahy

17.30-19.30 Round tables

“Anglo-Saxon approaches to the issue of migration: The United Kingdom and the United States: models to ponder and analyze”

Speakers: Mr. Tarik Oumazzane (England), Ms Hanane Abouhakim (England), Mr. Hamza Taouzzale (England), Mr. Khalid Lyamlahy (USA)

Moderator: Ms Souad Talsi (England)

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