The Council of the Moroccan Community living Abroad (CCME) took part in a day-long seminar on “Post-migration” organized on 8 March, 2019 by the Aix -Marseille (CIELAM) interdisciplany  Center of research and literature in Aix-Marseille (France). 

Researchers working on post-migration as a subject of academic research met to explain   the deep changes generated by migration in host countries. The purspose : answering to a common question on post migration narrative content through  a comparative and intercultural dialogue on  post-migration.

Thus, three areas of intervention were identified : “the history of migration through post-migration voices”, “the sope of post-migration” and “the analogy of post-migration”.

The seminar took place is with support of the UFR ALLSH (Aix-Marseille University) and the Comparative Literature program, World Literature and Translation Studies, laboratory for transnational studies at the University of California (Santa Barbara).

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