The Jacques Berque center for Humanities and Social Sciences (CJB) and the Laboratory of Political Studies and Humanities and Social Sciences at the international University of Rabat (LEPOSHS), in cooperation with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) organize a two-day seminar (3-4 November) entitled “Presence of foreigners, cosmopolitanism and social changes in contemporary Morocco.”

This meeting will bring together researchers whose work is closely linked to the presence of foreigners in Morocco. It aims to create the framework for a cross-understanding of different issues related to foreign presence’s contribution. Particular attention will be given to how they deal with contemporary Morocco and its “cosmopolitanism.”

Many aspects of mobility and settling of foreigners in this country have been of little scientific and media interest. In addition, some concepts such as “transit migration”, “expat”, “illegal immigrant” or “sub-Saharan” have been overused in the public debate and should be better explained empirically and epistemologically. The event will try to consider different interpretations that cover the term “foreigners” in the Moroccan context.

The seminar will revolve around two keys questions, notably: How did the presence of foreigners- temporary or in the long term- interact with the political, religious, as well as the various dimensions that represent the Moroccan society?  How does the Moroccan society incorporate the diversity that makes up its population?

The event is open to the public

Location: Centre Jacques Berque

Conference room

Beginning: Monday, November 3, 2014 – 09:00

Ending: Tuesday, November 4, 2014 – 17:00

More info at:

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