The Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME) is organizing this Friday, May 13, 2022, at the Council’s seat in Rabat from 10:00 to 13:00, a scientific seminar based on a comprehensive study under the title “Moroccan Migrant Women: Trajectories, itineraries and modes of integration”, written by the sociologist and expert in migration, Mrs. Fatima Ait Ben Lmadani. This publication is part of a new collection entitled “Les notes du Conseil”.
Based on the main scientific studies on the migration of Moroccan women and the author’s work (who published in 2018 the French written book: “la vieillesse illégitime ? Migrantes marocaines ou les chemins sinueux de la reconnaissance), this new publication restores the historical stages of these migrations, highlighting several blind spots and hidden phenomena such as the emigration, as early as the 1960s, of single women.
The synthesis also analyzes the most recent changes in these migrations (family reunification, entry into working life, seasonal migrations, globalization of destinations, etc.), highlighting the discrimination and prejudices suffered by these migrants. After an analysis of the public policies carried out towards migrant women, Ms. Ait Ben Lmadani makes several proposals, including the preservation of the memory of migrant women, the development of academic research and a more resolute action in defense of their rights.
The meeting assembles experts in women’s migration from Morocco, France, Belgium and the United Kingdom.