The Migrations Network (Migrinter) of the University of Poitiers (France) organized, in collaboration with the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) organized its 4th annual seminar on “Variations in Migration, Conflict in Practice”, last 26 and 27 June 2017 in the French city of Poitiers. 

The seminar was organized around two subjects : “mutations in migration, conflicts in institutional practices” and “mutations and conflicts in policies and processes of social inclusions”. 

The two day meeting was an opportunity to put forward the kingdom’s experience in the governance of the Moroccan community abroad and to highlight the work carried out by the CCME as an advisory institution.

The institutional legal framework related to the management of the moroccans living abroad and foreign migration in Morocco was also examined.

The seminar brought together academics, policy-makers and members from the civil society from several countries. 


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