The program of this first day of the International Edition and Book fair in its 21st edition had a scheduled roundtable on the topic “Shared Words”, an event organized by the Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME).

The chance to experience what both Moroccan and French educators had to say on how to promote coexistence in schools, quintessential cosmopolitan places.

This panel discussion moderated by Mr. Hicham Chakib, manager of cultural projects and animated by the interventions of Mr. Mohamed Hraga, professor of Arabic at Pierre de Fermat highschool in Toulouse and Jean Bastialenni representing the French educational system whereas Mr.Abdelaziz Serhani and Mr. Abderhman Samlali, are both directors of high schools in respectively Kenitra and Khemisset, they speak on behalf of the Moroccan educational system

The speakers agreed that the real challenge of living together is the implementation of an educational policy focusing on the socio-cultural facet capable of tuning all kinds of tensions within heterogeneous communities and make mutual respect a standard that must prevail above all.

The conclusions drawn revolve around the fact that channeling efforts towards security in order to combat terrorism is only a superficial measure; rather we must focus on education which should involve many stakeholders (family, school, civil society, etc.)

This meeting which Mr. Semlali duly wrapped up by sharing a very representative poem of the cultural Moroccan reality has been strengthened by public interventions, mostly cultural actors who shared their experiences and were seeking greater participation of all in the promotion of tolerance and coexistence.

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