Being Moroccan leads naturally to universalism. Because Moroccan culture is intrinsicaly multicultural and open to the broad world in which we live. The Moroccan cultural melting pot was a reality even before the United States. Amazighs, Arabs, Jews and Muslims coexisted, mingled, shared and founded together a milleniarian kingdom considered as the first modern nation of the Arab world and Africa. It is thanks to its invaluable wealth that Morocco is in the world, because, the world is in it.

The theme chosen by the Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME) for this 25th edition of the International Book Fair, is crucial, because it reminds us who we are, where we come from and the reasons for which we are citizens of the world. Able to coexist with the culture of “this other who is our mirror”. And these millions of Moroccans around the world are proud of their culture of origin and live in accordance with their fellow citizens regardless of their nationality or religion.

Many debates and meetings around this theme will take place during the ten days of a book fair that gives the CCME’s guests the opportunity to talk about their identity, their success stories, debate, to meet each other in a space where living together reaches its apotheosis.

The youngsters, living in Morocco will, for their part, discover their history, their ancestors and all these first Moroccan adventurers who left Morocco to discover the world, through didactic games created by the CCME.


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