
Youth matinees



The Agora appointments

Multiple identities and citizen commitment

Speakers: Mr Rachid Benzine, Mr Khaled Chaouki, Mr Ahmed El Khannouss and Ms Nessrin El Hachlaf Bensaid

Moderator: Mrs.Fatima Orsatelli

The round table “plural identities and citizen commitment” proposes to focus on the added value of dual membership in political engagement abroad and understand the importance of preserving cultural diversity to cope with the challenges of the world, political and religious extremism.



Moroccan women and politicians of the world: cross-cultural experiences

Speakers: Ms. Nadia El Yousfi, Ms. Salwa El Gharbi, Mr. Mustapha Laabid and Mr. Rachid Moktadir

Moderator: Mr Abdelghani Dades

The round table “Moroccan men and women politicians of the world: cross experiences” would like to highlight the singularity of the courses that will take part, elected representatives from the cultural diversity of various European countries.


“The literary hour”

– “Illegitimate old age? Elder Moroccan migrant women or the difficult paths of recognition » “, by Ms. Fatima Ait Ben Lmadani, Bouregreg Publishing

– “Between the Hammer and the Anvil” Documentary, Al Hassania Moroccan Women’s Center (Ms. Souad Talsi)

Moderator: Ms Amina Ennceiri

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