Youth Matinees
CCME publications
– “Contemporary Jurisprudence Issues of Muslims in Europe“, Abdelhak El Kouani.
– “Portrayal of Moroccan Culture in the German and Swiss Works from 1830 to 1911 (Comparative Study)“, Redouane Daoui.
Moderator: Mohamed Kharchich
“Contemporary Jurisprudence Issues of Muslims in Europe“, by Abdelhak El Kouani
The author has divided the book into two parts: theoretical and practical. The first part concerns the definition of jurisprudence exercises (nawazil fiqhiya), to the description of the reality that Muslims live in Europe, and the classification of the circumstances and cases of this reality in the context of teaching. Case law, in terms of benchmarking and application. The second part concerns the study and the jurisprudential adaptation of these circumstances and cases
“The representations of Moroccan culture in Swiss and German publications, from 1830 to 1911 (comparative study)”
This research compares the cultural representations of Morocco in a set of writings in the German language, published in Switzerland, Germany, and Austria during the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. This book also attempts to highlight the expressions of diversity, arising from the cultural encounter between the German cultural and the Moroccan / Maghreb cultural fields.
This study aims to establish a scientific cultural dialogue between the two cultures, at a time when there is a cultural conflict in these texts. Indeed, Moroccans were proud of their culture, while Europeans represented a universal civilization, and values related to colonialism, capitalism, modernity, and industrialization. A dualism present in German writings.
«Moroccan Gulf – Course», «Moroccans of the Netherlands – Course» Tarek El Atifi
– “ذاكرة الحقائب“, Rachida El Ansari Zaki
Moderator: Amina Benlarbi
«Course of Moroccans in the Gulf»
“Dakirat al Hakaeb” (Briefcase of suitcases)
The Agora meetings
“Religious culture among Muslims in Europe: sources and transmissions“
Speakers: Mostafa Chendid, Khalid Ghazali, Youssef Sbai, Mohammed Hashas, and Mustapha El Mourabit
Moderator: Abdellah Redouane
This meeting will be around the “religious culture among the Muslims of Europe”, the concepts they forge about Islam and their practice of this religion in the European cultural context. There is a difference between religion, its texts and its constant pillars, and meenings and conceptions that people have of religion.
This round table on Muslims living in the rest of the world, notably mosques, social networks, websites, and diverse publications written, audio, and video, evokes the religious culture that Muslims are forging in Europe undergoing the influence of aspects, including:
1. The nature of the European cultural context, with all its intellectual, social and political fundamentals … This is a an obvious context of characteristics, including secularism, pluralism …
2. The religious culture of the Muslims of Europe is also influenced by the nature of the understanding of Islam in its theoretical and patrimonial dimension.
3. Moreover, this culture is determined by the geopolitical conditions especially those concerning the Islamic world.
These questions or sources mean that the consequence of this interaction is numerous ; this can lead to a rigid religious culture, as well as an open religious culture and other types of religious culture …
CCME publications
– “المشي على الريح-موت في المنفى“
– “صلوات في أعالي البحار, مذكرات مهاجر غير شرعي“
Speakers: Abdelhamid Bayouki, Mohammed Doublali and Mohammed Moktary
Moderator: Mr Hamid Bichri
“Walking on the wind, dead in exile“:
The first text : “Walking on the wind: dead in exile”, is signed by the actor and novelist Abdelhamid El Bajouki. In this novel, the author has resorted to bilingualism and an aesthetic duality to develop his world and his characters
“Prayers on the high seas, memories of a clandestine migrant“
The second book, is signed by Mohamed Doublali, and named “Prayers