
Youth matinee



The Agora meetings

Development projects in Morocco: In which fields do Moroccans living abroad invest?”

Speakers: Jamal Bouoiyour, Jean Baptiste Meyer, Aouatif El Fakir, Rachid Aouine and Aouatef Khelloqi

Moderator: Faouzi Lakhdar-Ghazal

This round table will dedicated to how Moroccans abroad contribute to the development of Morocco.



The Agora meetings

Moroccans living abroad: the experience of “homecoming

Speakers: Ms Mouna Louhamane, Ms Mahjouba Tridi, Mr Mohamed Ezzouak, Mr Ramzi Ammou, Mr Nabil Brouz and 

Moderator: Ms Ghislaine El Abid

The myth of the return (home),  will be discussed during this 2nd meeting of the evening.Essentially,  the “return” of these generations born in Morocco or abroad, who decide to live in Morocco. The question being asked is : Should we continue to talk about the return/coming back of someone born abroad who in fact has never left ?

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