Mr Simon Serfaty, Professor and expert on international relations closed the meetings of the 26th edition of the Casablaca book fair of the CCME, with the theme : « The invisible link : perception and Morocco’s image on the geostrategic arena, vision and perception ». Mr Daniel Amar, member of the CCME in Canada asked the questions.
Mr Daniel Amar, member of the CCME
Even though american citizen, since 1965, Mr Simon Serfaty said he was comfortable being moroccan and part of the history of an exceptional country. « A credible and moderate voice in the arab world and is a constant example of its ability to demonstrate that the Jewish-arab-berber dialogue is obvious. A singularity proudly invoked by he jewish-moroccan communities abroad.
Mr Simon Serfaty, Professor and expert on international relations
Professor Serfaty, gave an inventory of the four major global geopolitical orientations: directing its policies: the US -with or without president Donald Trump Trump-, Europe, whatever the result of negotiations with the United Kingdom, Russia, and China.”
By 2030, the world will have to evolve around these four issues, he added.
He also said : the next century will essentially be in Africa and Morocco seems to be the single country to understand this ». Mr Serfaty also praised the Moroccan diplomacy
Mr Abdellah Boussouf, Secretary General of the Council of the moroccan community living abroad (CCME)
For his part, Mr Abdellah Boussouf, Secretary General of the Council of the moroccan community living abroad (CCME) lauded the professors lecturing and said Mr Serfaty brought “new insights to the CCME on Morocco in the world and the potential to shine through its diaspora”.