A research team in the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore, led by the Moroccan inventor Rachid Yazami, made an invention of a smart chip that can cut recharging time to ten minutes or less.

What is interesting about this invention, according to international media, is the fast charging, cautioning the user in case of an overheat of batteries to avoid their degradation or causing fire, as well as extending their life span.

Rachid Yazami, who emigrated from Morocco to pursue education in France, then moved to Japan, United States and then Singapore, is one of the most prominent inventors internationally regarding the development of lithium-ion batteries. In 2014, he won the 2014 “Charles Stark Draper” prize (known as the Nobel Prize for engineering), awarded by the National Academy for Engineering in the US, and was decorated by King Mohammed VI on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the Throne Day.

The Council for the Moroccan Community Abroad paid homage to Rachid Yazami, along with other Moroccan talents around the world, during its participation in the International Exhibition of Publishing and Book in Casablanca, on 22 February 2014.

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