With the support of the Council of the Moroccan Community Living Abroad (CCME) and the Hassan II Foundation for Moroccans living Abroad, the association “Education and environment” and the foundation of intellectuals and professionals of Moroccan origin in Spain will organize, on 4 and 5 February 2017 in Almeria (Spain), a meeting  around the theme: “citizens of Moroccan origin in the Spanish political scene”.

The goal of this meeting, announce the organizers, is « to develop the tools for the attendanceof Spanish citizens of Spanish origin in Iberian  politics, for a better understanding of Moroccan immigration in Spain and by developping policies of integration which could aknowledge to its problems ».

Academics, political actors and members of the civil society,  will, during this session, focus on the speeches of political institutions and civil society.

The actions will especially forcus on the legal aspect of the political participation of Moroccans in Spain and the positions of the political parties of this participation, in addition to the views of civil society and Moroccan associations in Spain on this issue.

View the program (in Spanish)


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