
Youth matinees

The CCME organizes every matinee during the book fair, morning trainings for the youngsters. During this edition, four subjects will be given: « Islam within us », a didactical game produced by the CCME, « The Moroccan personality », « with the guest » and «theatre and improvisation »


Signing session

« الحلم الإيطالي », « زمن الخوف » Charki Bakrine


The Agora meetings

« The culture of origin in the writings of the Moroccans living abroad »

The meeting will notably try to deepen the discussion about culture but also its contradictions and its impact on the improvement of the different cultural areas. The Participants are : the writer Mohamed Ahroba (Germany),the novelist and writer Rachid Santaki (France), Mr. Dahiri Mohamed, professor and writer (Spain), the French-Moroccan writer Hamisultane Maï-Do, and the writer and journalist Maati Kabbal.


The second part of the evening, will deal with « the Moroccan culture in Africa and in the Arab world » . The participants : Mr Driss El Ganbouri, Mr Ismail Regragui Ould Dahah and Mr Sidi Mohamed el Farsi who will discuss the millennial relationship between the Kingdom and the Arab and African world.

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