The French city of Strasbourg hosted from February 2 to 5, 2017, the 5th edition of the music festival: “spiritual days”. More than 10 countries (France, Russia, Mongolia, Nepal, India, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, Morocco, Algeria), representing 5 religions (Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam and Judaism) took part to the festival organized  in several places of the city.

Mr. Jean-Louis Hoffet, president of the festival, said during an intervention on the French info channel Itélé  that « through music one can understand and rediscover religion ».

For his part, Mr Mohamed Latahy, vice-president of the festival, declared that the intention of the Grand Mosque of Strasbourg in this event is  to confirm that Muslims are well integrated in the French society and that they contribute in dialogue in the sheme of secularism.


In a statement to the press, Chaib Choukri, president of the Great Mosque in Strasbourg, said that “we all appertain to Humanity and therefore it is essential to learn to dialogue”.


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