The Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME) organizes this Friday, September 4, 2015 at the Council headquarters, a roundtable on “Social Protection of Moroccan immigrants: the case of France and Spain.”

This meeting aims to present and discuss the preliminary results of the CCME Working Group “Administration, users’ rights and public policy” (GT ADUPP).

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, the Ministry of Employment and Social Affairs, the Ministry of Moroccans Living Abroad and Migration Affairs, the Hassan II Foundation for Moroccans Residing Abroad and the CNSS are expected to take part in this roundtable. The goal is to involve these institutions in the issues raised by the study before its final development.

The study has two parts: “The Moroccan retiree in France: What prospects? “And” the Spanish social security system: What prospects for Moroccan immigrants after the crisis? “.

The study / guide is intended to support public policies to better control the problems related to migration issues in order to better negotiate the preservation of Moroccan immigrants’ acquired rights in France and Spain.

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