The institute “Maurice de Hond” has just published the results of a recent survey of the Dutch population. The question was: “Who do you want as the next Prime Minister of the Netherlands?”.

The 2,500 respondents could choose between ten Dutch politicians.

The majority of those surveyed answered “Ahmed Aboutaleb,” the current mayor of the city of Rotterdam, who is of Moroccan origin.

The son of a Moroccan imam, Ahmed Aboutaleb received the highest score in the survey among other politicians, who are often at the forefront of the political scene in the Netherlands.

According to “Maurice de Hond,” Ahmed Aboutaleb is not only loved by his party, but also supporters of other parties such as the Liberal and Democratic People’s Party (VVD) or the Party for Freedom (PPV). Respondents say they see him as the next leader of the Dutch government.

This is not the first time we hear of Ahmed Aboutaleb. A few months, the title of “politician of the year” was awarded to him. He was also crowned as “Dutch of the year.”

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