The reaction follows the news that the referendum on immigration has been comfortably rejected by its population, ensuring expatriates from across the world can continue to make the most of the European country.

After all votes were counted on November 29th, a resounding 74.1 per cent moved against the idea of an immigration cap, an initiative that would have seen the current figure of 80,000 immigrants cut to just 16,000. Five million people were eligible to vote and their comprehensive rebuttal highlights clearly the country’s positive attitudes towards immigrants and e xpatriates alike.

The proposed cap was the subject of much criticism from around the world; with many in the country concerned about the long-term impacts of the bill should it have been passed. Business leaders had stressed that there may have been considerable damage done to the economy and the country’s politicians warned that Switzerland may have become increasingly isolated from the European Union.

A spokesperson for Interdean, market leaders in international relocation, has released a statement following the news. ‘The news that Switzerland has voted so strongly against the proposed immigration cap is also a huge vote of confidence for prospective expatriates the world over.

‘As a country with so much to offer in terms of both industry and leisure, as well as an extremely strong economy, such a cap would have come as a great blow to those who have always wished to move there. Instead, the vote underlines just how valued the expatriate community is in the country and how it will continue to welcome people from all around the world for years to come.

‘Mobility throughout the European continent is hugely important for a number of reasons, not least granting the freedom for many to live and work where they please. This referendum shows Switzerland are keen to continue enjoying the economic and cultural benefits that this brings, and is something we here at Interdean are exceptionally supportive of.’


Published in M2 PressWIRE

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