“Islam and Muslims in Europe: issues and challenges of identity” was the theme of the round table organized by the CCME in the sixth day of the Casablanca Book Fair which the participation of identity issues and worship specialists namely; Id Yassin Rashid, an expert in sociology, anthropology and religious studies, Tarek Oubrou, writer and Franco-Moroccan imam, Mohamed Ajouaou, professor at the Free University of Amsterdam. The Interventions of this panel were moderated by Said Aalla, president of the Grand Mosque of Strasbourg.
Tariq Oubrou considers that the issue of “identity is volatile and it is constantly built” the problem arises when the person comes with an original culture in a country with Western values.
He calls for unwrapping Islam from its cultures of origin to wrap in the cultures of the host countries and to adopt the theology of culturing while respecting the spirit of the Koran.
Religious discourse must give people the freedom to choose their identity based on the culture and society in which they live. “The religious discourse has to operate through a minimalist orthodoxy and orthopraxis”
For his part, Moroccan researcher Rachid Id Yassine rejects the term identity “a term with an explosive connotation which is manipulated” to corroborate Mr.Oubrou statements saying that identity cannot be fixed and established.
He considers that it is Europe who’s questioning its identity not Islam because there isn’t cultural homogeneity in Islam therefore the challenge of identity does not concern it directly.
To testify, he cites the example of the acculturation of youth of immigrant descent who adapt to the socio-cultural reality of the host country and who live and claim fully their citizenship
In his speech, Mohamed Ajouaou analyzes the current situation of Muslims which for him “is neither good nor bad,” however, and in light of recent attacks in France, he noted the pressure that is on Muslims which pushes to the forefront the following question of what type of Islam do we want in Europe today?
From experience, he reveals that Western societies are more concerned about the ideological side of Islam than by its ritual practices , he talks about the Wahhabi current of Islam that is based on principles likely to undermine social coexistence.