The Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME) organized, Tuesday, February 12, 2019, a round table on “the role and place of the Moroccans of the livins abroad ine  the region of Souss-Massa “. Mr Mohamed Charef, Mr Safini Brahim, Mr Jamal Lhoussain and Mr Ahmed Ezzahidi.  The meeting was moderated by Mr. Abdellatif Maroufi, researcher in economics and migration.

M. Mohamed Charef

The geographer, made the study (delegated to him by the CCME) which focused 20 years of scientific research on the contribution of migration to development. This has also been an opportunity to update some data related to this topic. The study  focuses essentially on the risks that can prevent the contribution of migration to development.

Mr Brahim Safini

M.Safini said a special importance has been given to education and pointed out that 7 school groups in the region were built by Moroccans living aboad. He continued 1972, “only 40% of girls had access to education, 90% of them are now in school” adding “We have also given women the place they deserve in cooperatives : only 7% comes from community funds, the rest is donated by private funds. “

The retired  Moroccans living aboad world, are also part of our fist concern properties » Mr Safini confirmed that “100% of 92 villages are electrified. 

“The associative commitment is the best school to prepare the political commitment” said Mr Safini adding that “We need the young Moroccans living abroad to believe again in their country 

Mr Jamal Lhoussain

Mr. Lhoussain said, the migrants wish to preserve and are devoted to the development of their villages.Adding : » they conceived the of the first development associations “.

The migrants, he said, “have  promoted the local products and established the first women’s cooperatives in the region. They have also been at the origin of the promotion of tose products abroad “.

“In many areas the Moroccans living abroad have  financed the village electrification, including the roads, the sanitation” said Mr. Loussain sho said “a great  evolution of awareness of the contribution of the immigrant that we have been able to build since decades. “

Mr Ahmed Ezzahidi

Mr.Azzahidi, said that despite the lack of statistical data, 1 million Moroccans living aboad are from  the region Souss Massa. Their involvement is essential in the regional development plan and the region has a new migration strategy, said M.Azzahidi who added : »we made a study on migration in the region in partnership with the University of Ibn Zohr and the conclusions will be the basis of this strategy.


According to Mr.Azzahidi “development is not possible without  the Moroccan community living abroad. We have several topics to deal with, including the Moroccan return policy . We are no longer limited to our geographical territory, we have started meetings in the framework of international cooperation, we are going to meet them in their countries and we’ll listen to their beliefs.

He conluded : “The expertise of the Moroccans living abroad are fundamental in tourism and industrial promotion


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