The Council of the Moroccan Community Living Abroad (CCME) organizes from 19 to 23 September 2017 “tribute workshops” of Moroccan migrants and travelers with the artist Hajja Rahma Hajji as guest star. The workshops are organized alongside the Festival of the documentary film « Orient Occident ». The meetings will take place at the Ahmed Boukmakh Cultural Center.

These workshops essentially dedicated to the moroccan migrant -travelers- will be will be conducted by Youssef Haji, from the CCME and focused  on the Moroccan artist Hajja Rahma Hajji. 

Ms Rahma Hajji, 70, born in the Moroccan eastern city Berkane and mother of eight children, lives in France since decades. Painting is a way for her to maintain ties with Morocco, her home country.

Her life in Morocco is described by Mr. Haji, “as a glowing and luscious  pink”. 

Read the catalogue (ar/fr)

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