Terms of use

The purpose of this section is to define the terms and conditions under which the Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad makes this website available to users, as well as the general conditions of use.

This website is the intellectual property of CCME.
For optimal usability and security, we recommend the use of modern, up-to-date browsers.

Council of the Moroccan community abroad
Address : Mahaj Ryad. Imm 10. B.P 21481 – Hay Ryad – Rabat 10 000 – Morocco
Phone: +212 5 37 56 71 71
Fax: +212 5 37 56 66 22
Technical and graphic design : Inovedia.
Host: OVH Groupe SAS, a company registered in the Lille Trade and Companies Register under number 537 407 926. Domiciled at 2, rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix.

Accuracy of information

CCME makes every effort to ensure that the information contained on this site is accurate. However, errors or omissions may occur, and CCME cannot be held responsible for any use made of this information or for any prejudice that may result.

This website may contain links to other websites. CCME has no means of controlling the sites connected to its websites. CCME does not guarantee the availability of such external sites and sources. CCME cannot be held responsible for any damage whatsoever resulting from the content of these external sites or sources or from any use that may be made of these elements. The risks associated with such use shall be borne entirely by the Internet user.

CCME would be grateful if users of this site could report any errors or omissions by emailing the IT department at siteweb@ccme.org.ma.

Intellectual property rights

The articles/photos/videos presented on this site are the intellectual property of CCME or the right of publication was the subject of prior authorization.
The content of this site may not be reproduced in any way without prior authorization from CCME.

Protection of personal data

The CCME collects your personal data for:

The processing of contact information on the website www.ccme.org.ma to collect communications from Internet users (questions, complaints and claims) and compile statistics on this data. This treatment was reported to the CNDP under number N° D-443/2022

The processing of cookie management on the www.ccme.org.ma website to improve the user experience and compile statistics on the www.ccme.org.ma website. This treatment was reported to the CNDP under number N° D-W-442/2022

As part of the processing relating to contacting the www.ccme.org.ma website and managing cookies on the www.ccme.org.ma website, the CCME transfers your personal data to OVH Groupe SAS located in Roubaix/France for hosting and storage. This transfer was the subject of a request for data transfer abroad under N°T-HB-160/2022

In accordance with law no. 09-08 promulgated by Dahir 1-09-15 of February 18, 2009, relating to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, you have the right to access, rectify and object to any information concerning you, which you may exercise by contacting :

Council of the Moroccan community abroad
Adresse : Mahaj Ryad. Imm 10. B.P 21481 – Hay Ryad – Rabat 10 000 – Morocco
Phone: +212 5 37 56 71 71
Fax: +212 5 37 56 66 22
Courriel : acces.information@ccme.org.ma

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