Mr. Abdellah Boussouf, Secretary General of the Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME), was the special guest of the direct broadcast held Monday, December 21, 2020 by the CCME web TV Awacer.

Mr. Boussouf’s interview concludes a series of broadcasts scheduled since 17 December 2020 on the International Migrants’ Day. It also aims to draw up an assessment of the accomplishments of the council which celebrates its 13 years of existence on the Moroccan institutional scene. Mr. Boussouf has answered the questions of Mohamed Saibari, journalist and CCME’s representative.


Mr. Boussouf is a historian, expert at the European Commission (97-2003), former vice-president of the French Council of the Muslim Faith (CFCM) and initiator of several projects for the benefit of the Moroccan and Muslim community abroad, including the building of the Great Mosque of Strasbourg. Mr. Boussouf lived abroad for more than thirty years before being appointed by His Majesty King Mohammed VI as Secretary General of the CCME.

The International Migrants Day, initiated by the united Nations in 2000, is not only a commemoration but an opportunity to strengthen the achievements in respect of migrants’ rights. Since 2000, the number of migrants has increased by 50%, a number which is expected to increase for a range of reasons as a result of global warming.

This year, the commemoration of this day is, as a result of the impact of the coronavirus, tainted by many uncertainties, even if this pandemic has been an important opportunity to rediscover the ” reservoir of humanity and solidarity ” amongst the Moroccans of the world, who have fought this battle on both fronts: in their host countries and in their countries of origin. They are involved in associative actions to help the elderly, for example in the host countries. In Morocco, in addition to money transfers which exceeded forecasts and increased by 1.7% compared to last year, they have launched several solidarity initiatives and projects.


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