The Council of the Moroccan Community Living Abroad (CCME) and the Moroccan Association of Calligraphy signed a partnership on Monday, March 27, 2017 at the council in Rabat « to develop the cultural identity of the Moroccans of the world through calligraphy ».

The convention aims to help the Moroccans living abroad  to keep connected with  the Arabic language and better assimilate in the the host countries through Art.

During his speech, Mr. Abdellah Boussouf, Secretary General of the CCME talked about  the priority of Art in education, saying «that this era  needs Art in all its forms and expressions  to spread the values ​​of tolerance and cultural distinctiveness.


The Moroccan calligraphy and the luxuriance of the Moroccan cultural heritage  can  strengthen the values ​​of dialogue and living together.

The CCME and the Moroccan Association of Calligraphy will notably organize cultural workshops, training cycles  and  work on translated Moroccan and Arabic calligraphy leaflets in the languages ​​of the host countries.


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