The Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME) took part from 21 to 24 September 2017 to the 1st Maghreb Book Fair in the city of Oujda (Eastern Morocco) “Maghreb Letters” under the High Patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI. The theme of this 1st edition of the Oujda Book Fair was “Say Youth, Write Hope”.
The CCME participated to the Maghreb book fair through a stand with the Council’s publications. The intent was to inform about the missions and publications of the Council. But also to interact with the public, the researchers and institutions on the issue of Moroccan and Maghreb migration.
The Maghreb Book Fair is organized by the « Oriental Agency », the « Oriental Wilaya » and the Council of the « Oriental Region » with the support of several partners. More than 200 intellectuals from the Maghreb, Europe and Africa, and in particular Senegal, the guest country, took part at the book fair. Intellectuals, researchers, writers, institutions and artists have organized round tables, writing workshops and film screenings.
Several roundtables were organized:
The first one on the theme : “Migration in the « Oriental Region » of Morocco” with the Center for Studies on Maghreb Migration Movements CEMMM linked to the Mohammed First University in partnership with the CCME.
This was an opportunity for the CCME to inform the public about the collective work “Migration in the Eastern Region of Morocco”, which is part of the partnership between Mohammed the first University of Oujda-Morocco-UMP and the Commission for Cooperation Development ARES CCD of Belgium (program Phasing-Out 2014-2017).
A second round table on “Migration in the Eastern Region of Morocco” held on Saturday, September 23, 2017, from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm, took place in the Léopold Sédar Senghor space and aimed at rethinking the migration issue in another manner to assemble and renovate all human and material resources in order to coordinate them with the purpose of highlighting the immigrant and the Eastern region of the Kingdom.
The participants:
Maroufi Abdellatif: Chargé de mission at the CCME.
Alem Noureddine: Mohamed Premier-Oujda University.
Aziza Mimoun: Moulay Ismail-Meknes University.
Azzi Hrou: Mohamed Premier-Oujda University.
Bezzazi Abdelkader: Mohamed Premier-Oujda University.
Daoudi Mimoun: Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah-Fes University.
Elboubekri Abdellah: Mohamed Premier-Oujda University.