The Council for the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME) received Saturday, May 23, 2015 at the Council headquarters, the delegation Circle Eugène Delacroix (CED) comprised of Moroccan –French Mps for a working session on the living together. The meeting was chaired by Mr. Abdellah Boussouf, General Secretary of CCME.
During the meeting, emphasis was placed on the religious practice of Islam in European countries, “the ignorance and lack of knowledge, lack of a real training of religious cadres capable of adapting the realities of the European context, are major challenges, “Mr Boussouf said.
According to the General Secretary of the CCME, three essential elements are necessary for a better construction of a European Islam: a rational Islam, an Islam based on knowledge, understanding and critical thinking and spirituality of Islam.
The delegation is composed of Gamraoui Khadija, the first deputy mayor in Carrières-sous-Poissy and project leader at the office of the Prefect of the Ile-de-France region; Amal Benazzouz, Advisor to the Office of President of the Regional Council of Ile-de France; Madioula Aidara, Deputy Mayor of the Ile-Saint-Denis; Amelia Lakrafi, founding member and Head of the CED business Bizinov Council; Bourdi Salah, Deputy Mayor of Epinay-sur-Seine; Laatiriss Said, deputy mayor Grigny, secretary of the PS section and founding member of the CED; Abdel Ait Omar, deputy mayor of UMP Villeneuve la Garenne (Hauts-de-Seine) and director of the mayors association Ile de France; Morad Ait Omar, deputy mayor of Saint Leu and PR of the President of the Economic and Social Council.
Also among the attendees present at the seminar, Ms. Latifa Ibn Ziaten, mother of the soldier killed by Mohamed Merah, president of the youth association Imad and peace, Mr Abdelhak Kachoury, vice president of the Ile-de-France region, Jean-Christophe Rossignol, Regional Councilor, CEO of SPALLIAN.
Presided by Mr. Salah Bourdi, the Circle Eugène Delacroix (CED) is a French association that brings together elected officials of all stripes to promote friendship between France and Morocco.