Mr. Abdellah Boussouf, Secretary General of the Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME) has received, Friday, September 4, 2015 at the Council headquarters in Rabat, Mr. Pere Navarro Olivella, advisor in employment and social security to the Spanish Embassy in Morocco.
Mr. Navarro Olivella took part to the roundtable organized by the CCME on “social protection of Moroccan immigrants: the case of France and Spain.”
This meeting’s aim was to present and discuss the preliminary results of a study on “Moroccan retirees in France: What prospects? “And” the Spanish social security system: What prospects for Moroccan immigrants after the crisis? “.
The study was conducted by the Working Group of the CCME “Administration, Users’ rights and public policy.”
The visit of Mr. Navarro Olivella is part of a participatory approach and openness initiated by the CCME towards national and international institutions.