The Council of the Moroccan Community -living- abroad (CCME) has published in partnership with the French survey Institute IPSOS a study on discrimination against Europeans of Moroccan origin.

The survey which will be released gathered a sample of 1 433 Moroccans of 18 to 35 years old living in European countries where Europeans of Moroccan origin live essentially in France, Spain, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany. The questions put to the participants focused on their daily life, their living conditions such as access to work, to housing and their religious freedom.

One of the major findings of the study is that 64% say having encountered difficulties to find a job, 57% struggle to find housing and 42% in practicing their religion».

Following the findings of this survey, Mr Abdellah Boussouf the secretary general of the CCME called on all parties to assume their responsibilities at the continued difficulties impeding those young people.

Mr Boussouf therefore calls upon the Moroccan government to ” strengthen cultural diplomacy in the countries of residence “.

Read more (FR)

Déclaration de Monsieur Abdellah Boussouf

Résumé de l’étude « jeunes marocains d’Europe : égalité et discrimination »

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