At the initiative of the Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME), the working group “Administration, users’ rights and public policies” and the working group “Citizenship and Political Participation” organized on  October 23rd, 2015, a colloquium of exchange and thought with the members of the Moroccan Community in the United States, in Greater Washington, under the theme : « The implementation of the 2011 Constitution, four years after its adoption ».

More than 80 members of the Moroccan community in the USA, ten members of the CCME, the Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco in the US, international and US institutions, several Moroccan-American associations, the Association of Moroccan Jews in the US, eminent academics, many American executives in the private and public sectors participated in the meeting.

The participants discussed several issues in plenary sessions and round tables of the colloquium, regarding the concerns of the Moroccan community in the US and the strengthening of cooperation between the Kingdom of Morocco and the USA. The issues included the political, economic and social progress in Morocco, the consolidation of bilateral cooperation, the governance of the religious aspect, citizenship, integration, education, language, and the rights of migrants…

The Moroccan attendees emphasized their strong ties with their country of origin, Morocco, and with their Moroccan identity. The participants were pleased about the organization of the CCME’s meeting, the first of its kind, and expressed their will to restore the link between Morocco and Moroccans living in the United States. They agreed to establish a program of activities in order to maintain the ties and work on the different concerns and interests of Morocco and its community abroad.

The participants stressed to H.M. King Mohammed VI the role of the CCME as a consultative and prospective institution, and urged the different ministries and institutions for more coordination between them, in order to respond to their concerns in the best possible ways.

In addition to its regular mobilization on national issues, the Moroccan community in the US seeks to be considered as an actor and a partner at the political, economic and social level.

The participants also welcomed the importance given by the 2011 Constitution to Moroccans abroad and asked the government to accelerate the development and adoption of laws on the effective enactment of Articles 16, 17, 18, 30 and 163, to ensure full citizenship for Moroccans of the world.

Washington, October 23rd, 2015

Mr. Abdelhamid EL JAMRI, CCME member and Chairman of the Working Group “Administration rights of users’ rights and public Policy.”

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