The program of Support to projects of international Solidarity organizations for migrations (FORIM) has chosen two projects for Morocco for the year 2018.
The Council of the Moroccan Community living abroad (CCME) took part to the 2018 edition in the selection meetings of some 200 projects. More than 50 projects of migrant associations will be eligible for funding, including the two projects selected for Morocco concerned the areas of employment of young people and women in rural areas and access to drinking water.
The CCME and the FORIM based in France have a partnership of three years (2017-2019), to mobilize the Moroccan diaspora and to work for the economic, social and cultural development of Morocco and France.
The FORIM brings together networks, federations and groups of International Solidarity Organizations from Immigration (OSIM), engaged in integration actions in France and development actions in the countries of origin.